Our Curriculum Design


We believe that our Curriculum is the entirety of what our pupils experience at school.

Our Curriculum has been designed to ensure each and every child can achieve excellence. This is done through our underlying values of Worship, Opportunity, Resilience, Knowledge, Enjoyment and Respect.

Our curriculum is shaped around Cultural Capital; we introduce children to the best that has been thought and said and help them to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement. Our curriculum gives our children the vital background knowledge required to be informed and thoughtful members of our community who understand and believe in British Values.

Whilst our curriculum subjects are mapped as individual disciplines, they are held together by driver texts. This promotes reading as a fundamental access to the wider world. 


Our Curriculum is designed to ensure that each lesson and learning opportunity is closely aligned to the skills, knowledge and understanding outlined in the National Curriculum. We ensure that through well engineered sequences, and by repeating and practicing skills in different contexts, pupils know more, remember more and can do more as they progress throughout the school.

Our curriculum is designed to meet the needs of every pupil allowing them to become confident to take risks in their learning and challenge themselves whilst developing independent learning behaviours. We promote high aspirations for all and encourage all pupils to ‘achieve excellence’ in their learning and go beyond their comfort zone so they go deeper in their learning and are able to articulate their ideas, thoughts and opinions confidently. We do this through a ‘low entry, high ceiling’ approach.


Our curriculum develops interested, fascinated and curious learners. Moral and enquiry based questioning is threaded throughout our lessons and experiences, and children are encouraged to develop their thinking and communicating as we place high value on these two aspects of pupil development. 
